Monday, November 1, 2010

First LAN cafe tournament of M.A.T. Online

Thank you to all those who attended the first ever internet cafe tournament of M.A.T. Online held in RSolomon Internet Cafe. Sorry we were late, we got lost a bit. Don't worry, next time we have a tournament here, we'll be there early!

Congratulations to the winners!
Open Category:
LAQS - champions!
Complex Gaming - first runner up!

Ladies Category:
G-3 team 1 - champions!
G-3 team 2 - first runner up!

Kid's Category:
Well, they didn't really have a team name, but congratulation to them!

The place was packed with several gamers from different places, most of them were familiar faces but there were new players who registered. Magnum facilitated the open category, while me and Gores watched the ladies category. The first match between the Daughters of Ares and G-3 team 2 was really really close. The first round was normal, like any ordinary tournament match. Then Sharin, one of the Daughters of Ares suddenly shouted due to I-don't-know-what and made a chain reaction to the ladies playing so the second and third round was filled with shouts and trash talks! There were moments were me and Mrs. Catapuls would just cover our ears, Sharin's shout was deafening lol xD The match was really close, it was a tie but G-3 team 2 won the toss coin so they picked blue team. I have to admit, being the red team is hard, you have to go on the offense because if you don't you'll lose the round. It came to a last 1 last 1 round and G-3 team 2 was able to defend the bomb sites well so they won. Finals match was between G-3 team 1 and team 2, we have to admit G-3 team 1 was too good for their team 2 haha! With Bianca on the team, together with MICAH, LadyMarshall, Micaell and Marjfei, they owned team 2 xD Well G-3 took both first and second place so congratulations to them!

After the ladies tournament, we continued on with the open category. Magnum was able to finish off the preliminaries so we were already on the semi finals stage. Complex Gaming had to fight the other CG group, but they didn't have a choice on the matter. Paris was MIA, too bad. It was fun watching him play during tournaments. I don't know which was team 1 and which was team 2, but the team who won was the one with Mekia and Mat. Suspect and LAQS fought for a place in the finals, it was a close match. It's fun to watch Elgee's team, they're the definition of competitive players. All the seriousness of the match got to me and watching the match has made me tense too, lol xD. LAQS won over Suspect and we move on to the finals. It was between LAQS and CG, the first round was taken by CG. But after a few talks and changes on strategy, LAQS won the second and third round making them the champions. Congratulations!

The match ended at around 12MN and I went straight home haha, I had to wake up early for the kids match the next day.

So Sunday came and I went back to RSolomon Cafe, the shop was full so we had to wait before we could start the match. As I've said the kid's team didn't have a name so we just went on to the match. Sampras' kid's team was the one I was watching, they have practiced for this match, they had positions they were covering. Nympha, the 10 years old girl was fun to watch, she knew how to adjust to certain situations. Like if she's getting bombed everytime on a camp spot, she moves. If the enemy is camping on a certain place, she bombs that place everytime she respawns. For a 10 year old girl, she was owning everyone.

Congratulations to everyone who won!

I didn't have my digicam with me, pictures are uploaded to Bianca's and Sampras' facebook accounts. :)

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