Monday, October 11, 2010

Otaku Expo Reload aftermath

Otaku (おたく / オタク?) (oh-tah-kooh) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, or video games.

Last October 8, 9 and 10, M.A.T. Online joined the Otaku Expo Reload which was held at SM Megamall, Megatrade Hall 1. We actually planned on having more computers but we only got 30. But it was enough to cover our area and have extra space for players to mingle. We had the nerf shootout for free, turns out it was harder to dodge than we thought. There were a few who were able to dodge five bullets from the nerf gun and they got a M.A.T. T-shirt! Probably the most memorable thing that happened during the three day event was the JNC kid's team vs the GMs! Well we got owned by the kids, but it was fun!

We had lots of competitions and there were four teams who joined each competition. Last Friday, we did the bomb match and the sniper match tournament. The bomb match tournament finals was really close, but team Cristal was able to outwit their enemies and win the last round. Team Silvercor had it easy on the finals match and Janbel was even running around without weapons hoping to kill his enemies with his fists, I think he was able to get one. The next day, there were more people and more cosplayers who registered on the M.A.T. Online booth. I kinda had a hard time looking for the teams who were supposed to battle so I had to announce them on stage. Complex Gaming, with a lot of cursing thrown by Paris, won the bomb match tournament. And of course, team Cristal got the sniper match easy. Sunday was the most interesting day of the three. There was only one kids team who came, (probably because of the 100P entrance fee for the Otaku Expo Reload event xD), so we decided to fight them. GM Cute, GM Magnum, GM Seahorse Gores, Zely and me teamed up to battle the kids. Lots of trashtalks were thrown to GM Magnum, like Pakwan (I'm not sure why they call him that haha). After much trashtalks and unnecessary shouts, the kids owned us and won. The G-3 bullied the poor girls who joined the tournament, haha! But they sure had fun! Oh yes, they were real girls and they were really good! I'll post pics as soon as I have uploaded them. :)

The whole event was tiring but fun, I saw a lot of cosplayers, some of them were cute, some sexy, some scary and most of them are funny xD. In our country, cosplaying has become a very popular hobby amongst teens. Even kids (who look like they're only 12) dress up as sexy anime characters, which seems like kinda inappropriate already. Scary thing about this is during anime/cosplay conventions, you'd see two types of attendees, one are those normal kids and adults who just like to have fun, take pictures, buy stuff and admire the cosplayers. The other one are those scary, perverts who you'd see staring at girls, or taking photographs with that expression on their faces haha! eww! Anyway, cosplaying is not about them, it's a hobby, just like everything else that people do, computer games, sports, cross-stitching and such. And just like any other hobby, it's about having fun!

Gores and my AppleBerry <3

Special thanks to my AppleBerry for the fun filled weekend in Otaku Expo Reload. :)

More pictures at

1 comment:

  1. Wuhoo G3 Rocks! pasensya na sa binully namin :D ahahaha!
