Friday, October 15, 2010

[Event] RSolomon Internet Cafe Tournament

In celebration of RSolomon Internet Cafe's anniversary, we will be having a M.A.T. Online tournament! Lots of freebies await those who will come~!

This will happen in October 30 and 31, 2010 at RSolomon Internet Cafe in 1265 Bo. Visaya St., Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati City.

Registration and schedule

Registration price (per head): (will be updated once finalized) (includes 50 Kash Card and the rest goes to pot money)
Registration will be on Saturday, October 30, 2010, from 9:00AM to 11:00AM ONLY
Drawing lots at 11:15AM
Tournament starts at 1:00PM

Tournament Mechanics:

Bomb Match: Open to everyone

Number of players: Five
Map: Frontier City
Weapon Limit: Conventional
Round Time: Three minutes
Match Rounds: Nine

A toss coin will be made, winning team gets to choose if they're going to play blue or red team. Finals match is best of three, toss coin will be made after each match.

Healing is prohibited from this match, anyone caught will be given a warning and a second offense would mean a player disqualification for the match.

Ladies' tournament (Bomb Match): Open to all girl gamers

Number of players: Five
Map: Frontier City
Weapon Limit: Conventional
Round Time: Three minutes
Match Rounds: Nine

A toss coin will be made, winning team gets to choose if they're going to play blue or red team. Finals match is best of three, toss coin will be made after each match.

Healing is prohibited from this match, anyone caught will be given a warning and a second offense would mean a player disqualification for the match.

Kid's Tournament (Team Deathmatch): Open to players 13 years old and below

Number of Players: Five
Map: Lakeside Bar
Number of Kills: 200
Time Limit: 20 minutes
Weapon Limit: Conventional
Respawn time: Three seconds

First team to get 200 kills before time runs out or whoever gets the most score until the end of the round wins. Single Elimination.

Bomb Match:
Champion - 3,000PHP + pot money, five M.A.T. Online t-shirts, in-game weapon.
Runner up - Pot money, five M.A.T. Online t-shirts, in-game weapon.

Ladies' tournament:
Champion - 2,000PHP + pot money, five M.A.T. Online t-shirts, in-game weapon.
Runner up - Pot money, five M.A.T. Online t-shirts, in-game weapon.

Kids' category:
Champion - 1,000PHP + pot money, five M.A.T. Online t-shirts, in-game weapon.
Runner up - Pot money, five M.A.T. Online t-shirts, in-game weapon.

Looking for M.A.T. Online t-shirts? Join the mini games and get a chance to win one! It's that easy! Best of all, it's free!

For comments, suggestions and questions, please leave a message in the chatbox.

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