Thursday, September 30, 2010

Featured Lady Gamer of the Month: Bianca of G-3

G3 - Girls, Guns, Glory
upper right picture, left to right:
MICAH, Bianca, LadyMarshall, Marjfei, Micaell
For the month of October, our featured girl gamer is none other than Bianca!

Bianca plays MMOFPS games since 2007. That's where he met her husband Elgee who was team FG (Fairview Gaming). At some point in 2009 FG and HoA (Horsemen of Apocalypse) merged and FG.HoA was formed. But due to some circumstances, Elgee and Bianca had to leave the group and this was when Cristal was formed.

Bianca: It came from one of the weed menus in Amsterdam, it's description in the menu says "Very stoned" (answer when asked where "Cristal" was from)

Bianca told me that what encouraged her to play is her husband Elgee but what inspired her to form an all girl group was when she saw the SK Ladies (Schoet Kommando), the all girl team of the "SK Gaming" clan which was based on Germany. It made her think about forming an all girl group and that was when Cristal Ladies was formed.

Bianca: The first members of Cristal Ladies are: LadyMarshaLL, MICAH, Micaell, Marjfei, BIANCA

Lucky for us M.A.T players, Bianca had decided to team up with her friends from different FPS games and create a team called; G3 - Girls, Guns, Glory. For sure they'd be the center of attention, FPS games having more male gamers than female, I asked her what her plan would be when that happens.

Bianca: Most of us girls in the team are already taken, so we won't really pay much attention to the boys. I also told them not to let fame get into their heads, we should be a team, we're all equal and we shouldn't envy each other.

I guess having much experience on the MMOFPS community helps a lot in maintaining an all girl team.

Along with Lyka of Femme Fatale, Bianca will lead the all girl group, G3. Together with some of the famous girl FPS gamers around; LadyMarshaLL, MICAH, Micaell, Marjfei, and Nicole, they plan to dominate M.A.T. Online.

I've also asked her the secrets of how to be great in playing FPS and here's what she had to say about it:

Bianca: Aside from having my Razer Salmosa, one should also have dedication and eagerness to learn. You also need to know how to accept criticisms and take from it the fact that you can still improve. Also no matter happens, wag dapat yayabang at wag aabot sa ulo ang fame. Wag din seryosohin masyado ang game, you need to enjoy playing. Also practice and long hours of playing makes perfect.

Her favorite gun is the G36K, the default rifle in M.A.T. Online, but she's also an AK47 user. I've asked her the difference between the two, when does she use an AK47 and why G36K is her favorite.

Bianca: The AK47 is strong enough to kill with 3 bullets, even though it has a strong recoil, it won't matter if it's close range. G36K users will lose at close range combat against the AK47. But for long range the G36K is better, it has low recoil and easier to use.

Bianca also believes that being a lady is an attitude. Catch her playing everyday in M.A.T. Online and don't be fooled, keep your guard up or she'll surely frag you before you can say "Hi, ctc?"

1 comment:

  1. Nice. It's good that the Players and the GM's are really active promoting a healthy Gamer-GM Community :D not just with the boys but also with the girls.

    Keep it up and more power - LG
