Thursday, September 30, 2010

Featured Lady Gamer of the Month: Bianca of G-3

G3 - Girls, Guns, Glory
upper right picture, left to right:
MICAH, Bianca, LadyMarshall, Marjfei, Micaell
For the month of October, our featured girl gamer is none other than Bianca!

Bianca plays MMOFPS games since 2007. That's where he met her husband Elgee who was team FG (Fairview Gaming). At some point in 2009 FG and HoA (Horsemen of Apocalypse) merged and FG.HoA was formed. But due to some circumstances, Elgee and Bianca had to leave the group and this was when Cristal was formed.

Bianca: It came from one of the weed menus in Amsterdam, it's description in the menu says "Very stoned" (answer when asked where "Cristal" was from)

Bianca told me that what encouraged her to play is her husband Elgee but what inspired her to form an all girl group was when she saw the SK Ladies (Schoet Kommando), the all girl team of the "SK Gaming" clan which was based on Germany. It made her think about forming an all girl group and that was when Cristal Ladies was formed.

Bianca: The first members of Cristal Ladies are: LadyMarshaLL, MICAH, Micaell, Marjfei, BIANCA

Lucky for us M.A.T players, Bianca had decided to team up with her friends from different FPS games and create a team called; G3 - Girls, Guns, Glory. For sure they'd be the center of attention, FPS games having more male gamers than female, I asked her what her plan would be when that happens.

Bianca: Most of us girls in the team are already taken, so we won't really pay much attention to the boys. I also told them not to let fame get into their heads, we should be a team, we're all equal and we shouldn't envy each other.

I guess having much experience on the MMOFPS community helps a lot in maintaining an all girl team.

Along with Lyka of Femme Fatale, Bianca will lead the all girl group, G3. Together with some of the famous girl FPS gamers around; LadyMarshaLL, MICAH, Micaell, Marjfei, and Nicole, they plan to dominate M.A.T. Online.

I've also asked her the secrets of how to be great in playing FPS and here's what she had to say about it:

Bianca: Aside from having my Razer Salmosa, one should also have dedication and eagerness to learn. You also need to know how to accept criticisms and take from it the fact that you can still improve. Also no matter happens, wag dapat yayabang at wag aabot sa ulo ang fame. Wag din seryosohin masyado ang game, you need to enjoy playing. Also practice and long hours of playing makes perfect.

Her favorite gun is the G36K, the default rifle in M.A.T. Online, but she's also an AK47 user. I've asked her the difference between the two, when does she use an AK47 and why G36K is her favorite.

Bianca: The AK47 is strong enough to kill with 3 bullets, even though it has a strong recoil, it won't matter if it's close range. G36K users will lose at close range combat against the AK47. But for long range the G36K is better, it has low recoil and easier to use.

Bianca also believes that being a lady is an attitude. Catch her playing everyday in M.A.T. Online and don't be fooled, keep your guard up or she'll surely frag you before you can say "Hi, ctc?"

Monday, September 27, 2010

Conclusion of M.A.T. Online's Tournament

Headshot, pare! Haha! Enjoy~! :)

The conclusion for M.A.T. Online's Grand Launch's tournament ended with Suspect as the winner, congratulations! I'd also like to congratulate the other competition's winners, Cubao Sharpshooterz of the Sniper Match Tournament and JNC of the Kid's Deathmatch tournament. We hope to see you guys again on our next event~!

Cubao Sharpshooterz

Photos are from: GM Magnum

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Grand Launch

It was a pandemonium. It was cramped, but it was definitely fun.

M.A.T. Online's first big event, The Grand Launch, was held in SM North EDSA Annex, Cyberzone. Our call time was 8:00AM but I kinda overslept and arrived at around 9:30AM, and I have a perfectly good reason why I'm late! The night before, we stayed up until 5:00AM at the mall. We needed to make sure everything was okay, the net connection, the computers, stage shows, tournaments and everything else that happened in the event. Stonefree and Chicosci, check! Hosts Sam YG and Mia Bayuga, check! I was lucky to have three hours of sleep, most of us only had one, some didn't get any. xD

So, GM Gores was the first to arrive there since we didn't ask her to help during the ingress. Being a girl and all and her home area is not the kind of place you would wanna walk through alone at night, we decided that she should go home early and just get to the mall as early as possible. 10 of the computers were still missing monitor cables, -_-" we thought it would be replaced before the mall opens but it didn't. Too bad, more players would have been able to test out the game if it weren't for the missing monitor cables.

10:00AM, the mall opened, we were hoping that a lot of players would come but we didn't expect them to arrive that early! There were already like, 50 players lined up as early as 10:05AM! The bomb match tournament was filled up as early as 10:15AM and players were asking if they could still join. We had a talk about this during one of our meetings and we decided that if more players were to come, we would accommodate 16 teams instead of eight, so we did. Sniper match got full next and there were four kiddies team who joined. Unfortunately, the all girl tournament got dissolved because there were only two teams willing to join. 

Sniper match started after Stonefree rocked the stage, it was around 12:30PM. Sorry if I can't remember the teams who joined but I do remember the first and second place winners. Check-in-joy got second place and was awarded five t-shirts! Cubao Sharpshooterz won and got P2,500 cash and five t-shirts. They were young but they were really good players! Next match was the bomb match tournament, we didn't get to finish it due to lack of time and conflict and schedules. Apologies to all who were inconvenienced :( details will be posted in the forums. Next was the north vs south championship between Complex Gaming and LAQS. This was the main event of the night and most of the people went around the teams to watch the epic battle between the north and the south. Both teams were good, they had a really solid team work, and they keep communications between them tight. Everyone knows what everyone is doing, it was really exciting to watch. I got to learn a few tricks on how to aim, where to aim and some good spots to defend thanks to them. It was a best of three bomb match and LAQS went home with P10,000 and five t-shirts!

We also did raffles and congrats to the luckiest kid of the event, the winner of the XBOX 360 with Halo: Reach! Everyone wanted that XBOX 360, even the employees of Gamepad Interactive wanted it, too bad we can't join the raffle. Well, congrats to Patrick! Hope you put that into good use and don't forget your studies or maybe if you could just give it to me... Just kidding.

The event ended at around 9:00PM, it was a huge success and gamers are happy and all the staff are happy even though we're too tired to celebrate. xD It was our first event and we would like to apologize for anyone we have disappointed. Don't worry, we know our mistakes and the strong points that we made during the event. Next event we will avoid those mistakes and improve on our strong points so that all of the gamers get what they deserve, the best.

Special thanks to AppleBerry for the company, without her, the event wouldn't be as much fun as it is.

Dami tao!

Tournament Area

The models who took care of the registrants. :P

 DJs Mia Bayuga and Sam YG

 Me want :(

Thanks to back2gaming for the pictures.